Filter Settings
Settings related to filtering data being queried from imagery data store:
- Enable filtering - specifies whether to use imagery filtering or not.
- Min. age - minimum age (freshest date) of the imagery to display. If omitted, uses today's date.
- Max. age - maximum age (oldest date) of the imagery to display. If omitted, uses oldest available date.
Camera Settings
Settings related to selected recording's camera glyph behavior:
- Color - color of the selected camera glyph.
- Transparency - transparency percentage of the selected camera's visible range.
- Visible range - visible range of the camera, meaning the max. range identifiable in any image.
- Auto-center - specifies whether selecting a camera forces zoom-center to camera's location.
Imagery Settings
Settings related to imagery display and classification/grouping:
- Enable - specifies whether to enable imagery records displaying or not.
- Symbol scale - specifies symbol scale factor for image glyphs displayed on screen.
- Group by - specifies classification/grouping parameter for image glyphs displayed on screen.
- Min. color - represents color of the minimum value cast by current grouping parameter.
- Max. color - represents color of the maximum value cast by current grouping parameter.
Tracks Settings
Settings related to tracks' display and classification/grouping:
- Enable - specifies whether to enable tracks records displaying or not.
- Color - color of the tracks when displayed on screen.
- Conflate recordings - use map matching for tracks-based recordings against OSM road data.
Checkout Settings
Settings related to imagery check-out operation specific to GeoView for AutoCAD:
- Layer name (image) - specifies layer name for resulting imagery features.
- Layer name (track) - specifies layer name for resulting tracks features.
- Symbol - specifies symbol type used for checked-out imagery features.
- Symbol scale - specifies symbol scale used for checked-out imagery features.
Photo-book Settings
Settings related to photo-book creating operation specific to GeoView for AutoCAD:
- Layer name - specifies layer name for resulting photo and camera glyphs.
- Symbol scale - specifies camera symbol scale used along photo glyph.
- Frame border width - specifies frame width (in drawing units) of resulting photo glyph.
- Frame max. size - specifies maximum width or height of resulting photo glyph (in drawing units).
Reporting Settings
Settings related to imagery reporting operation specific to GeoView for AutoCAD:
- Introduction template - specifies .docx introductory part template file name. If omitted, no introductory part is generated.
- Ending template - specifies .docx prologue part template file name. If omitted, no ending part is generated.
- Overview map template - specifies .docx overview map part template file name. If omitted, no overview map part is generated.
- Overview map width - specifies resulting overview map image width in pixels.
- Overview map rotation - specifies rotation for overview map image.
- Image list template - specifies .docx imagery list part template file name. If omitted, no imagery list part is generated.
- Single image template - specifies .docx single image part template file name. If omitted, no single imagery part is generated.
- Single image width - specifies resulting single image width in pixels.
- Single image rotation - specifies rotation for each single image.
- Single image page break - specifies whether to insert a page break before every single image.
- Keep image numbering - specifies whether to keep image numbering in drawing after imagery report is created.