General Settings
General settings and common application parameters:
- Pickup service - specifies the service used to collect requests from the agency (AGIV):
- E-mail - requests are being collected using e-mail (POP3) service.
- Web service - requests are being collected using KLIP v1.x web service.
- Data Folder - specifies root data folder used to keep facilities' sub-folders with project files (drawings, texts, tables, etc).
- Logo - specifies a file path to the logo file (width: 600px, height:150px) embedded into an e-mail template being sent to the client.
- Interval - specifies interval (in hours) for automated task scheduler to activate selected pickup service (see above).
Address Settings
Address settings refer to user's company address data:
- Building - specifies name of the user's company building (if any).
- Street name - specifies name of the user's company street.
- Street number - specifies street number of the user's company.
- PO Box - specifies postal box of the user's company (if any).
- City - specifies place or city of the user's company.
- Post code - specifies postal (ZIP) code of the user's company.
- Country - specifies country or state of the user's company.
Contact Settings
Contact settings refer to (support) user's contact data:
- Title - specifies user's title.
- First name - specifies user's first name. This field is mandatory.
- Last name - specifies user's last name. This field is mandatory.
- Organization - specifies user's organization (company) name. This field is mandatory.
- Registration number - specifies user's company registration number.
- Phone - specifies either user's direct phone or company phone number.
- GSM - specifies user's GSM phone number (if any).
- Fax - specifies user's company fax number (if any).
- E-mail - specifies user's e-mail address. This field is mandatory.
E-mail (Incoming) Settings
Incoming e-mail settings refer to mail server and relevant mail account parameters used to receive requests from the agency sent by an e-mail:
- Protocol - specifies protocol used for collecting e-mail:
- POP3 - default Port value is 110, or 995 for encryption-enabled mail servers.
- IMAP4 - default Port value is 143, or 993 for encryption-enabled mail servers.
- Server - specifies mail server (host) address.
- Port - specifies port to use to access incoming mail server. See Protocol setting above for details.
- Encryption - specifies whether incoming mail server is SSL/TLS-enabled.
- Timeout - period to wait (in minutes) for incoming server response.
- User name - specifies user name used to access incoming mail server.
- Password - specifies password user to access incoming mail server.
- From - specifies incoming mail filter, while any mail originating from specified sender will get parsed as potential site-related mail. Multiple addresses are separated by semicolon (;).
- Leave a copy on the server - specifies whether parsed messages get left on the mail server and not deleted.
- Mailbox folder - name of the mailbox folder to query for e-mail messages. Default folder name is "INBOX".
Should be set if request harvesting method is e-mail.
E-mail (Outgoing) Settings
Outgoing e-mail settings refer to mail server and relevant mail account parameters used to send responses in a form of an e-mail to the clients:
- Delivery method - specifies the way e-mail responses are being sent to the client:
- Network - e-mails are immediately sent over the network to the client, using specified SMTP settings.
- Pickup folder - .eml files get created and stored in specified Pickup folder, to be further processed by IIS or the 3rd party SMTP server.
- Server - specifies SMTP mail server (host) address.
- Port - specifies port to use to access SMTP mail server. Default value is 25 for non-SSL mail servers (alternatives may be 1025 and 2525) and 465 for SSL-enabled mail servers.
- Encryption - specifies whether SMTP mail server is SSL-enabled.
- Timeout - period to wait (in minutes) for SMTP server response.
- User name - specifies user name used to access SMTP mail server.
- Password - specifies password user to access SMTP mail server.
- From (E-mail) - specifies sender's e-mail address to use on outgoing e-mails.
- From (Name) - specifies sender's (company) name to use on outgoing e-mails.
- Pickup folder - specifies a folder used to store outbound e-mails, if selected delivery method is custom pickup folder.
- CC (E-mail) - specifies optional CC e-mail address. Multiple addresses are separated by semicolon (;).
- High importance - if set, the messages will be sent using high importance/priority.
Response Settings
Response settings pertain to the e-mail responses being sent to the client via SMTP server:
- Type - specifies the way resulting response data (ZIP files) are handled and kept:
- E-mail - response data file is sent as an e-mail attachment, and not persisted on user's server.
- Local web server - e-mail sent to client contains a link to the response data file, which is kept on the IIS-managed web server for predefined number of days.
- Folder - specifies root folder to store response data files, in case such files are persisted on local server.
- Domain - specifies a root URL containing domain name or IP address of the publicly accessible root folder containing response data files, in case such files are persisted on local server.
- Expiration - specifies number of days response data files are kept, in case such files are persisted on local server.
- Map type - name of the map type being used to produce e-mail attachment preview map.
- Facility fill color - fill color of the facility polygon, when displayed on a map.
- Facility stroke color - pen color of the facility polygon, when displayed on a map.
- Request fill color - fill color of the site request polygon, when displayed on a map.
- Request stroke color - pen color of the site request polygon, when displayed on a map.
- Attachment (positive) - optional attachment file to send along all positive responses.
- Attachment (negative) - optional attachment file to send along all negative responses.
Service Settings
Service settings refer to a web service and relevant service's user account parameters used to receive requests from the agency:
- Identifier - specifies organization's unique identifier (KLBID). This value is being assigned by agency upon registration.
- Server - specifies address of agency's web service related to site requests (KLBWS).
- User name - specifies user name used to access the web service.
- Password - specifies password used to access the web service.
Should be set if request harvesting method is web service.