Server Information

Arkance Systems Benelux

Web client:

Top Menu Administration Information

This GeoView Web Client administrative tool displays detailed information over running GeoView Server application instance, as well as its licensing status and overall statistics related to host computer. It is available only to users having administrative permissions.

Host Computer Hardware Information



Computer name

Name of the host computer running server instance.

Total CPU cores

Total number of logical processor cores of the host computer.

Total physical RAM

Total amount of physical memory available on the host computer.

Available physical RAM

Available amount of physical memory on the host computer.

Total virtual RAM

Total amount of virtual memory available on the host computer.

Available virtual RAM

Available amount of virtual memory on the host computer.

Total HDD space

Total amount of hard-disk space available on the host computer's upload drive.

Available HDD space

Available amount of hard-disk space on the host computer's upload drive.

System uptime

Total uptime of the host computer.

Host Computer Operating System Information



Operating system name

Name of the operating system running on the host computer.

Operating system architecture

Architecture of the operating system running on the host computer (32-bit or 64-bit).

Operating system version

Version of the operating system running on the host computer.

Operating system language

Language locale of the operating system running on the host computer.

.NET Framework version

Version of the .NET Framework server application is being run against.

GeoView Server Application Licensing Information



User name

Registered user name of the server application.


Registered company name of the server application.

License status

Current license status of the server application (Licensed or Not Licensed).

License number

License number assigned to server application (or Demo if not licensed).

License type

License type assigned to server application (Machine-locked or Floating).

License expires

Expiration date of the license assigned to server application (or Permanent if no expiration date is set).

GeoView Server REST API references: