Map |
GeoView Web Client enables specifying background map from a list of numerous local and worldwide map vendors. Besides picking a background (non-transparent) map, user may also pick an overlay (transparent) layer which will get displayed on top of the background map:
Map Coverage |
Map Provider |
Transparent |
Map Name |
Global |
No |
Google Map |
No |
Google Satellite |
No |
Google Terrain |
No |
Google Hybrid |
No |
Bing Map |
No |
Bing Satellite |
No |
Bing Hybrid |
No |
OSM Map |
No |
OSM Cycle Map |
Belgium |
No |
Gewestplan (GWP) |
No |
Grootschalig Referentie Bestand (GRB) |
No |
Vlaamse Hydrografische Atlas (VHA) |
No |
Voorlopig Referentiebestand Gewestgrens (VRBG) |
No |
Orthobeeldvorming (RGB) |
No |
Orthobeeldvorming (Panchromatic) |
No |
Orthobeeldvorming (Infra red) |
No |
Luchtfoto - winteropnames |
Yes |
Generiek Informatieplatform Openbaar Domein (GIPOD) - Manifestaties omleidingen |
No |
UrbIS Base Map (FR) |
No |
UrbIS Orthophoto 2012 |
No |
Wallonie - PICC |
No |
Geologie Wallonie - Alle lagen |
Yes |
Cadastral parcels |
Yes |
Geologie Vlaanderen - Alle lagen |
Yes |
Atlas waterlopen Oost-Vlanderen - Alle lagen |
Yes |
Atlas buurtwegen Oost-Vlanderen - Alle lagen |
Yes |
Atlas buurtwegen West-Vlaanderen - Alle lagen |
Netherlands |
No |
TOP10 |
Yes |
Ondergrond Nederland (EPSG28992) |
No |
Top25raster kleur met tekst |
Norway |
No |
Overview Map |