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IGeGeometry Methods

The IGeGeometry type exposes the following members.

Public methodBuffer
Returns buffer of the geometry, using specified offset distance. Provides optional parameters for curve approximation segments and buffer's end cap style.
Public methodClosestPointTo
Returns closest point on this geometric body with regards to the specified point.
Public methodDifference
Returns difference of this geometry and specified geometry. If no differences were found, resulting geometry is an empty set.
Public methodIntersection
Returns intersection of this geometry and specified geometry. If no intersections were found, resulting geometry is an empty set.
Public methodIsSimple
Returns True is geometry is simple (non-aggregate), otherwise returns False.
Public methodOffset
Returns geometry offset.
Public methodSymmetricDifference
Returns symmetric difference of this geometry and specified geometry. If no symmetric differences were found, resulting geometry is an empty set.
Public methodTryConvert
Losely converts geometry to specified geometric type. Returns True if conversion was successful, otherwise returns False.
Public methodUnion
Returns union of this geometry and specified geometry.
See Also