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GeCoordinate Class
Represents 3D Cartesian coordinate.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: FDF.Common.Geometries
Assembly: FDF.Common (in FDF.Common.dll) Version:
public class GeCoordinate : ICloneable, 
	IComparable<GeCoordinate>, IGeEquitable<GeCoordinate>, IGeTransformable<GeCoordinate>, 
	IFdfQueryable, IFdfLocalizable, ICrsTransformable<GeCoordinate>

The GeCoordinate type exposes the following members.

Public methodGeCoordinate
Initializes a new instance of the empty coordinate.
Public methodGeCoordinate(GeCoordinate)
Initializes a new instance based on the specified coordinate.
Public methodGeCoordinate(Double, Double)
Initializes a new instance of the 2D coordinate.
Public methodGeCoordinate(String, String)
Initializes a new instance of the GeCoordinate class
Public methodGeCoordinate(GeCoordinate, Double)
Initializes a new instance based on the specified coordinate and M value.
Public methodGeCoordinate(Double, Double, Double)
Initializes a new instance of the 3D coordinate.
Public methodGeCoordinate(Double, Double, Double, Double)
Initializes a new instance of the 3.5D coordinate.
Public methodGeCoordinate(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)
Initializes a new instance of the GeCoordinate class
Public propertyDimensionality
Gets or sets coordinate dimensionality.
Public propertyDimensions
Returns number of spatial dimensions (2 or 3) of a coordinate.
Public propertyIsEmpty
Returns True if object instance is considered empty, otherwise returns False.
Public propertyM
Public propertyX
Public propertyY
Public propertyZ
Public methodAngleTo
Returns angle in a plane (Theta) between current coordinate and the specified coordinate.
Public methodAzimuthTo(GeAngle)
Returns azimuth angle between specified reference angle in plane and true North.
Public methodAzimuthTo(GeCoordinate)
Returns azimuth angle between this coordinate and specified coordinate.
Public methodBissection
Public methodClone
Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
Public methodClosestPointTo
Returns closest point on specified geometry with regards to this point.
Public methodCompareTo
Compares the current object with the object of the same type.
Public methodDirectionTo
Returns direction vector between current coordinate and specified coordinate.
Public methodDistanceTo(GeCoordinate)
Returns a 3D distance between current coordinate and the specified coordinate.
Public methodDistanceTo(GeCoordinate, Boolean)
Returns 2D or 3D distance between current coordinate and the specified coordinate.
Public methodStatic memberEmpty
Returns empty coordinate equal to plane origin.
Public methodEquals(GeCoordinate)
Returns True if two coordinates are equal, otherwise returns False.
Public methodEquals(GeCoordinate, GeDimensionality, GeLength, GeSpatialComparision)
Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
Public methodExtendTo
Returns a coordinate computed by extending a vector (starting at the current coordinate and ending at the specified coordinate), for the specified length.
Public methodGetHashCode (Overrides ObjectGetHashCode.)
Public methodGetTypeName
Returns String representation of the underlying type.
Public methodIsCollinearTo
Returns True if this coordinate is collinear to the pair of specified coordinates, otherwise returns False.
Public methodIsIntersecting(IGeEllipsoid)
Public methodIsIntersecting(IGeRing)
Public methodIsIntersecting1
Public methodIsIntersecting2
Public methodIsOn
Returns True if point is on boundary or interior of the specified geometry, otherwise returns False.
Public methodIsValid
Returns True if object instance is considered valid, otherwise returns False.
Public methodMidPointTo
Returns a coordinate that is exactly halfway between current coordinate and the specified coordinate.
Public methodMirror(GeCoordinate)
Returns object that is result of mirroring of this object against specified coordinate.
Public methodMirror(IGePlane)
Returns object that is result of mirroring of this object against specified plane.
Public methodPerpendicularTo
Returns a coordinate which represents a perpendicular to a 2D vector (starting at the current coordinate and ending at the specified coordinate). Perpendicular coordinate is computed at specified length, given the direction against 2D vector(left or right).
Public methodPolarPoint(GeLength, GeAngle)
Returns a polar coordinate given the distance and the angle. The M and Z ordinate values are preserved.
Public methodPolarPoint(GeLength, GeAngle, GeAngle)
Returns a polar (spherical) coordinate given slope distance, horizontal angle and vertical angle. The M ordinate value is preserved.
Public methodProject(GeLength)
Returns object ortho-projected onto X-Y plane.
Public methodProject(IGePlane)
Returns object ortho-projected onto specified plane.
Public methodProject(IGePlane, IGePlane)
Returns object laying in source plane projected onto the target plane.
Public methodProject(GeCoordinate, IGePlane, GeVector)
Returns True and projected geometry if this object is successfully projected onto plane using specified direction, otherwise returns False.
Public methodRelate
Returns spatial relation describing the intersections of the interiors, boundaries and exteriors of specified geometry and a point.
Public methodRotate
Returns object that is result of rotation of this object using specified angle around the line with direction vector passing through specified center point.
Public methodScale
Returns object that is result of scaling of this object using specified scale factor with respect to the center point.
Public methodSwapOrdinates
Public methodToArray
Returns array of doubles representing ordinates. Specified number of spatial dimensions also defines resulting array dimensionality.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public methodToString(Int32)
Returns a String that represents the specified ordinate ordinal (index).
Public methodToString(GeDimensionality, String)
Public methodToString(GeDimensionality, String, IFormatProvider, String, String)
Public methodTransform(CrsTransform)
Returns object that is result of transformation of this object using specified referential coordinate transformer.
Public methodTransform(GeMatrix)
Public methodTransform(Int32, Int32)
Returns object that is result of transformation of this object using specified source and target spatial reference systems (SRS).
Public methodTransformForward
Returns object that is result of forward transformation of this object using specified referential coordinate transform.
Public methodTranslate(GeVector)
Returns object that is result of translation of this object along specified vector, given its magnitude.
Public methodTranslate(GeVector, GeLength)
Public operatorStatic memberAddition(GeCoordinate, GeCoordinate)
The addition operator causes the first operand to be added to the second. M ordinate is not preserved during addition operation.
Public operatorStatic memberAddition(GeCoordinate, GeVector)
Public operatorStatic memberDivision
Divides coordinate with a value. M ordinate is not preserved during division operation.
Public operatorStatic memberEquality
Returns True if two coordinates are equal, otherwise returns False.
Public operatorStatic memberGreaterThan
Returns True if one coordinate is greater than the other, otherwise returns False.
Public operatorStatic memberGreaterThanOrEqual
Returns True if one coordinate is greater or equal than the other, otherwise returns False.
Public operatorStatic memberInequality
Returns True if two coordinates are not equal, otherwise returns False.
Public operatorStatic memberLessThan
Returns True if one coordinate is lesser than the other, otherwise returns False.
Public operatorStatic memberLessThanOrEqual
Returns True if one coordinate is lesser or equal than the other, otherwise returns False.
Public operatorStatic memberSubtraction
The substraction operator causes the first operand to be substracted by the second. M ordinate is not preserved during substraction operation.