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IGeCurve Methods

The IGeCurve type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetParamAtDist
Returns parameter (t) value at specified curve distance.
Public methodGetParamAtPoint
Returns parameter (t) value at specified point.
Public methodGetPointAtDist
Returns coordinate at specified distance along curve.
Public methodGetPointAtParam
Returns a coordinate for specified curve parameter.
Public methodInterpolate
Interpolates curve using specified interpolation method.
Public methodIsClosed
Returns True if curve is topologically closed, otherwise returns False.
Public methodIsCoplanarTo(IGePlane)
Returns True if this curve completely lies in specified plane.
Public methodIsCoplanarTo(IGeCurve, IGePlane)
Returns True if this curve and specified curves are planar (including bound plane), otherwise returns False.
Public methodIsLinear
Returns True if this curve is linear (including direction vector), otherwise returns False.
Public methodIsParallelTo
Returns True if this curve is parallel to specified curve, otherwise returns False.
Public methodIsPlanar
Returns True if this curve is planar (including bound plane), otherwise returns False.
Public methodOffsetCurve
Returns offset geometry of this curve.
Public methodReverse
Returns reversed (inversed) curve with regards to curve direction.
See Also