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GeEllipse Class
Represents 3D ellipse geometry.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: FDF.Common.Geometries
Assembly: FDF.Common (in FDF.Common.dll) Version:
public class GeEllipse : GeCurve, IGeEllipse

The GeEllipse type exposes the following members.

Public methodGeEllipse
Initializes a new instance of the ellipse.
Public methodGeEllipse(IGeEllipse)
Initializes a new instance of the ellipse using specified ellipse.
Public methodGeEllipse(GeCoordinate, GeLength, GeLength)
Initializes a new instance of the ellipse using center point, semi-minor and semi-major axes lengths.
Public methodGeEllipse(GeCoordinate, GeLength, GeLength, GeVector)
Initializes a new instance of the ellipse using center point, semi-minor and semi-major axes lengths and vector normal to the ellipse plane.
Public propertyAggregateType
Returns aggregate geometry type of this geometry.
(Overrides GeCurveAggregateType.)
Public propertyArea
Returns total surface area of the geometry.
(Overrides GeGeometryArea.)
Public propertyCenterPoint
Gets or sets ellipse center point.
Public propertyCentroid
Returns geometry centroid coordinate.
(Overrides GeGeometryCentroid.)
Public propertyDerivedType
Returns geometry derivative being either point, curve or polygon (surface).
(Overrides GeCurveDerivedType.)
Public propertyDimensionality
Gets or sets coordinate dimensionality of a geometry.
(Overrides GeGeometryDimensionality.)
Public propertyEccentricity
Returns measure of how much the conic section deviates from being circular.
Public propertyEnvelope
Returns geometry envelope.
(Overrides GeGeometryEnvelope.)
Public propertyFocalParameter
Returns distance from the focus (or one of the two foci) to the directrix of a conic section.
Public propertyInterpolation
Returns curve interpolation.
(Overrides GeCurveInterpolation.)
Public propertyInterval
Returns the parametric range of the curve.
(Overrides GeCurveInterval.)
Public propertyIsEmpty
Returns True if object instance is considered empty, otherwise returns False.
(Overrides GeGeometryIsEmpty.)
Public propertyLength
Returns total surface boundary length (circumference) of the geometry.
(Overrides GeGeometryLength.)
Public propertyLinearEccentricity
Returns distance between the center and the focus (or one of the two foci) of a conic section.
Public propertyNormal
Gets or sets ellipse plane normal.
Public propertySemiLatusRectum
Returns a chord parallel to the directrix and passing through the focus (or one of the two foci) of a conic section.
Public propertySemiMajorAxis
Gets or sets ellipse semi-major axis.
Public propertySemiMinorAxis
Gets or sets ellipse semi-minor axis.
Public propertyType
Returns enumerated geometry type used for safe typecasting to concrete geometry class.
(Overrides GeGeometryType.)
Public methodClone
Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
(Overrides GeGeometryClone.)
Public methodClosestPointTo
Returns closest point on this geometric body with regards to the specified point.
(Overrides GeGeometryClosestPointTo(GeCoordinate).)
Public methodEquals
Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
(Overrides GeGeometryEquals(IGeGeometry, GeDimensionality, GeLength, GeSpatialComparision).)
Public methodGetParamAtPoint
Returns parameter (t) value at specified point.
(Overrides GeCurveGetParamAtPoint(GeCoordinate).)
Public methodGetPointAtParam
Returns a coordinate for specified curve parameter.
(Overrides GeCurveGetPointAtParam(Double).)
Public methodGetTypeName
Returns String representation of the underlying type.
(Overrides GeGeometryGetTypeName.)
Public methodInterpolate
Interpolates curve using specified interpolation method.
(Overrides GeCurveInterpolate(GeInterpolation).)
Public methodIntersects
Returns True if two geometries intersect each other, otherwise returns False.
(Overrides GeGeometryIntersects(IGeGeometry, IGeGeometry).)
Public methodIsCircle
Returns True if ellipse is a circle, otherwise returns False.
Public methodIsClosed
Returns True if curve is topologically closed, otherwise returns False.
(Overrides GeCurveIsClosed.)
Public methodIsCoplanarTo
Returns True if this curve completely lies in specified plane.
(Overrides GeCurveIsCoplanarTo(IGePlane).)
Public methodIsLinear
Returns True if this curve is linear (including direction vector), otherwise returns False.
(Overrides GeCurveIsLinear(GeVector).)
Public methodIsPlanar
Returns True if this curve is planar (including bound plane), otherwise returns False.
(Overrides GeCurveIsPlanar(IGePlane).)
Public methodIsValid
Returns True if object instance is considered valid, otherwise returns False.
(Overrides GeGeometryIsValid(FdfResultCollection, IFdfQueryable).)
Public methodMirror
Returns object that is result of mirroring of this object against specified plane.
(Overrides GeGeometryMirror(IGePlane).)
Public methodOffset
Returns geometry offset.
(Overrides GeGeometryOffset(GeLength, GePlaneOrientation).)
Public methodOffsetCurve
Returns offset geometry of this curve.
(Overrides GeCurveOffsetCurve(GeLength).)
Public methodProject(GeLength)
Returns object ortho-projected onto X-Y plane.
(Overrides GeGeometryProject(GeLength).)
Public methodProject(IGePlane)
Returns object ortho-projected onto specified plane.
(Overrides GeGeometryProject(IGePlane).)
Public methodProject(IGePlane, IGePlane)
Returns object laying in source plane projected onto the target plane.
(Overrides GeGeometryProject(IGePlane, IGePlane).)
Public methodProject(IGeGeometry, IGePlane, GeVector)
Returns True and projected geometry if this object is successfully projected onto plane using specified direction, otherwise returns False.
(Overrides GeGeometryProject(IGeGeometry, IGePlane, GeVector).)
Public methodRelate
Returns spatial relation describing the intersections of the interiors, boundaries and exteriors of specified point and geometry.
(Overrides GeGeometryRelate(GeCoordinate).)
Public methodReverse
Returns reversed (inversed) curve with regards to curve direction.
(Overrides GeCurveReverse.)
Public methodRotate
Returns object that is result of rotation of this object using specified angle around the line with direction vector passing through specified center point.
(Overrides GeGeometryRotate(GeAngle, GeVector, GeCoordinate).)
Public methodScale
Returns object that is result of scaling of this object using specified scale factor with respect to the center point.
(Overrides GeGeometryScale(Double, GeCoordinate).)
Public methodTangent
Returns tangent vector of a conic section at the specified point.
Public methodTransform(CrsTransform)
Returns object that is result of transformation of this object using specified referential coordinate transformer.
(Overrides GeGeometryTransform(CrsTransform).)
Public methodTransform(Int32, Int32)
Returns object that is result of transformation of this object using specified source and target spatial reference systems (SRS).
(Overrides GeGeometryTransform(Int32, Int32).)
Public methodTransformForward
Returns object that is result of forward transformation of this object using specified referential coordinate transform.
(Overrides GeGeometryTransformForward(CrsTransform).)
Public methodTranslate
Returns object that is result of translation of this object along specified vector, given its magnitude.
(Overrides GeGeometryTranslate(GeVector).)