Ready to Import wizard page indicates you're ready to import features into AutoCAD using specified settings:
Import Features wizard Ready to Import page
This wizard page provides following options:
- Break on error - if checked, breaks the processing chain in case of any non-fatal error. Otherwise just shows potential errors as warnings.
- Errors, Warnings and Messages - available upon importing is finished. Enable filtering results of feature import procedure.
- Save - available upon importing is finished. Provides ways of saving results to a comma-separated (CSV) file.
It also provides following navigation buttons:
- Previous - returns to Specifying Feature Filter wizard page.
- Import - starts importing feature data from external data source.
- Cancel - exits this wizard and closes the dialog. You can click it any time during feature importing to abort the procedure.
- Help - displays this help page.
After feature data gets imported, AutoCAD zooms to the imported spatial feature set extents.