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FdfNamedObjectSetT Class
Represents a set of named members.
Inheritance Hierarchy
    System.Collections.ObjectModelKeyedCollectionString, T

Namespace: FDF.Common
Assembly: FDF.Common (in FDF.Common.dll) Version:
public class FdfNamedObjectSet<T> : KeyedCollection<string, T>, 
	IFdfMergeable<T>, IFdfMergeable<FdfNamedObjectSet<T>>, IFdfQueryable, IFdfLocalizable
where T : Object, IFdfEnumerable, IFdfQueryable, IFdfMergeable<IFdfEnumerable>

Type Parameters

Collection member type.

The FdfNamedObjectSetT type exposes the following members.

Public methodFdfNamedObjectSetT
Initializes a new instance of the FdfNamedObjectSetT class
Public propertyIsEmpty
Returns True if object instance is considered empty, otherwise returns False.
Public methodAddRange
Adds range of members to the end of the set. Duplicate members will not get added, nor will yield an exception.
Protected methodGetKeyForItem (Overrides KeyedCollectionTKey, TItemGetKeyForItem(TItem).)
Public methodGetTypeName
Returns String representation of the underlying type.
Public methodIsValid
Returns True if object instance is considered valid, otherwise returns False.
Public methodMerge(T, FdfMergeableResolution)
Merges specified object instance data with caller object data and stores result into the caller object. Provides optional resolution for merging caller and callee values.
Public methodMerge(FdfNamedObjectSetT, FdfMergeableResolution)
Merges specified object instance data with caller object data and stores result into the caller object. Provides optional resolution for merging caller and callee values.
Public methodSort
Sorts members of the entire collection using default comparer.
Public methodSort(IComparerT)
Sorts members of the entire collection using specified comparer.
Public methodToArray
Converts collection to array. If collection is empty, returns an empty array.
Public methodToList
Converts collection to list. If collection is empty, returns an empty list.
Public methodTryGetItem(String, T)
Returns True if specified member name is found in collection, otherwise returns False. If True, also returns found member by reference.
Public methodTryGetItem(String, T, StringComparison)
Members in this collection are accessible both by their name and index.
See Also